Star Citizen Notifier, is a notification application, each update is notified to you, and this, within 5 minutes that continue its publication.
Star Citizen Notifier, also allows you to view the Team Roadmap or the version history simply.
Star Citizen Notifier, is a completely free application without ads or spam, leave it aside and wait for updates.
This project has an hidden server which search for update every 5 minutes, this done with scraping the RSI website and update a remote database connected with the client.
Google Analytics Firebase Realtime Database Android Studio Python 3 Java
Find, in a short time, the port you want through more than 5600 different ports.
With the search feature, you can list from any information (name, number, protocol, description).
IPorts has two additional tools:
An address scanner, which allows you to test the status of a port from an IP address and The "Practice" mode to test your skills and assess your knowledge of the ports.
To retrieve all ports I use the
IANA Port Number Registry.
The list is stored in the application in XML format, the application check and load the list at startup.
This API is a simple way to retrieve data from the RSI website
like Ships, Users or Organizations.
This required an API key.
Since I know the Star Citizen project, I wanted to participate in this project for helping people
to make applications, I wanted to use the latest techs available to learn how
it work.
It take me around 3 months for developing this API